We offer bouquet-making workshops either at our farm or your chosen venue.
Benefits/goals include:
​​Team Building
Skill Development
Wedding Preparation
Just Plain Fun
You will learn:
Easy steps to guarantee beautiful flower bouquets
Simple design tips so your bouquets dazzle
How and when to cut flowers for maximum vase life
Tips for organic gardening and pest control that increase your garden’s success
What you need:
Comfy shoes and clothing for walking uneven terrain
What you don’t need:
​We supply:
Flowers, flowers, and more flowers
Knowledge, humor, and a love of flowers
Boxed vase for transporting your flowers home
Instruction for picking and arranging
Non-alcoholic beverages and healthy nibbles
Welcoming, lighthearted space
Memorable experience to treasure
You are given a pair of clippers for a walk around the farm and told to pick anything that brings you joy. We then gather in the barn workshop where Farmer Paul demonstrates easy bouquet-making techniques and a few simple design tips.
In addition to what you picked in the field, you also have the opportunity to fill your bouquet with pre-harvested and conditioned flowers, filling out your gorgeous arrangement.
Everyone leaves with a joyful bouquet and happy memories. The emphasis is on having fun. No design experience required. It’s about putting together colors and textures in ways that please you, enjoying fragrance, sight, and touch.
Experience beauty, surprise, and discovery at Apple Core Farm.
Optional Traveling Workshop
​​​​Our workshops at your prefered venue (office, community center, private residence, etc.) can be designed to last from 1 to 3 hours. Depending on the size of your group, we bring anywhere from 3 to 10 buckets of our best flowers and foliage, and together make bouquets that participants take home to enjoy for a week or more, or donate as a random act of kindness (senior center, house of worship, fire/police station, school, etc.)
(Farmer Paul is a certified Master Gardener but presents as a cut flower grower only and not on behalf of the Master Gardener program.) He with a style is engaging and interactive.
Group tours of the farm can be arranged by appointment.
​Upcoming Farm Workshop Dates:
Saturday, September 14, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
More dates TBA​​